Padyachudaamani Mahakawya

Rs. 750.00
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This work written in Sanskrit describes the major events of the Buddha’s life - from beign born as a Prince Siddhartha up to his enlightenment. The author seems to have been influenced by the Buddha’s life described in Lalitha Vistharaya and Ashvagosha’s Buddha Charithaya though takes a different approach. The author omits certain episodes of the Buddha’s life such as Ascetic Asitha prophesy that Prince Siddhartha would be a Buddha in future. There is no direct reference to the authorship of the work. The initial verses indicate that the work is authored by Buddhagosha who held reputation as an authority on Buddhist literature. The work contains 10 (ten) cantos which include 641 (six hundred forty one) stanzas.
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ByVen. Ganthalawe Sri Gunananda Nahimi,Ven. Ambalangoda Sumedhananda Himi
Dimensions22x15x2 cm
Vendor CodeSMB353
LanguagePali, Sanskrit, Sinhala
Weight0.53 Kg
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